It’s confirmed and *guaranteed*: Ridge Regression >> Tree Model

Source? It was revealed to me in a dream

Python code attached at the end.

Friends, welcome back.

Today is a big day for me as the Chief Ridge Officer. A lot of the fakers and haters out there have been claiming that tree models >> linear regressions. And guess what? Today that will stop once and for all.

Firstly, we will show that most tree algorithms can be represented as linear regressions. I promise you, the explanation was written for a 5 years old to understand. You won't be left out.

And we will prove an interesting corollary, which is, a Decision Tree algorithm is guaranteed to be suboptimal to Ridge Regression. Might be shocking to you, but not to me. Also as a bonus, we will look at a special interpretation of Ridge.

And after that we will propose a slightly radical idea. We will argue that you shouldn't regularize your tree algorithm by tuning max_depth, min_samples_leaf, min_samples split etc. The alternative we propose instead is a blazingly fast and efficient regularisation, that is guaranteed (Inshallah) to be better than using Optuna to tune all the parameters above.

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