On Talking About Your Alpha Research Project In HF Quant Interviews

sorry sir big dawg your Random Forest doesn't have a Sharpe of 18

Recruitment season is back again. Last time I wrote an article on how I think about designing a good project for HF Quant roles, which is step Uno. This is not Part II. This is part I and a half. Part II is still in works (I swear I'm not slacking).

A Non-Guide on Building Personal Projects For HF Quant Roles (Part I)
yes I finally wrote about it.

Most candidates have personal projects on their CV, and 90% of them are related to alpha research. I wanna give my take on how I would talk about this project in interviews.

I'm not so heavily involved in recruitment, but I do interviews from time to time (normally the first rounds). All my articles are speculative, but I want to stress it even more for this one. As I said before, I'm quite reluctant to write about recruitment because 1) it's incredibly noisy, 2) just because someone got HF offers doesn't mean they know much about recruitment. But sometimes I do answer questions about this topic in DM, and I find myself repeating the same things. So might as well write about it in detail here.

And for my subset of audience who are already practitioners and do not care about this junior recruitment stuff, I'll release an article about some sick regression soon. Promise. It's hard to write when there's a huge dispersion in your audience's profile, so thanks for your understanding xx ❤️

A Tale of A "Robust" Momentum Strategy

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